Our workThe Landscape Regeneration Toolkit is powered by Dr. Justin Borevitz and his research team at the Australian National University. By understanding how plants perform in changing environments, our work helps to inform land management decisions under climate change.
From genes to global systems
How can gene-level variations boost agricultural production in ways that enhance ecosystem function and reverse global climate change?
This question drives everything we do. By taking this bottom-up research approach, we aim to pinpoint the genetic factors that cause real-world results at scale. We combine field studies and controlled experiments with modern technologies to inform our recommendations for lower-risk precision landscape regeneration. For recent findings, please visit our FAQ page. Our field work
Across the Australian continent, we evaluate multiple factors for landscape regeneration. Our diverse array of field sites provides us with real-world insights in a broad environmental scope. We study how a "woodland to pasture to crop" design affects crop productivity, soil quality, water availability, and carbon sequestration. We also test factors such as irrigation, fertilization, biochar, and rock dust.
Our technologiesWe work with cutting-edge technologies to lead gene-based scientific modeling. Our team is known for expertise in drone-based data collection, MinION sequencing, and VR explorations, high precision phenomics/genomics analysis, and data-driven computer visualizations of simulated environments.
We are proud to work with diverse groups in our mission to help solve our global food, energy, and climate crisis through precision landscape regeneration. Partners and collaborators include: The Australian National Government World Vision (Africa) The Land Institute Soils for Life Salk Institute Contact us
Dr. Justin Borevitz can be reached at justin.borevitz {at} anu.edu.au To learn more about our work, please visit the Borevitz Lab website. |